Come Again Farm | 406 W 256th St., Sheridan, IN 46069

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Sharon White Clinic

November 23 - November 24


Join us for a fun and educational weekend with Sharon White!   Sharon is a student of the horse, extremely knowledgeable and her teaching is clear, easily followed, enthusiastic and confidence building. 

Clinic Date: November 23-24 2024
Opening Date:  Sept 15, 2024
Closing Date: Oct 5, 2024

Registration:  Online Registration | Print & Mail Registration Form
Team rider Sharon lives in Summit Point, WV at Last Frontier Farm and has been the recipient of many awards, including the Rebecca Broussard grant for developing riders in 2012.  Her teaching is incredibly positive and consistent and will get the absolute best out of a horse and rider.   Her program has developed many riders to the Advanced level.  Her accomplishments are too many too list here, but can be found at

The clinic format will be flatwork in pairs on Saturday and grid exercises with groups of 2-3 on Sunday.

Clinic Fees
2-day Rider Clinic:
$350 for two small group lessons + auditing other lessons
$60/weekend OR $20/day Haul-In (no use of stall). CAF Boarders are exempt from stabling fees.

No spots will be held after closing date without payment in full. No refunds after closing date unless spot can be filled from a wait list. Entries may be made online with credit card at or snail-mailed via paper with payment by check made out to Come Again Farm.  Check your email for ride times the week of the event.

Come Again Farm

406 W. 256th Street
Sheridan, IN 46069 United States